Ice climbing course for beginners


It is cold. it is wet. It is smooth as glass and it's pretty much the last thing that ordinary people want to do on vacation ...

And yet this sport attracts more and more mountain enthusiasts into its spell. Inside of climbing to ice climbing has more and more developed into a separate discipline. For your own inspections of large waterfalls but you need a lot of experience and specialized training. Our ice climbing on Nalovardo provides the perfect requirements and circumstances such as prevail in the mountains. Here you can under the expert guidance practice your ice-climbing techniques and prepare you for greater things. Especially ice climbing safety is paramount, therefore we climb in "top rope".

Course content

Basic techniques of ice climbing

Ice texture

Node exercises

Safety techniques

Building a stand

Route planning


450 SEK/h, regardless of how many participants


Your climbing guide in Lapland

Phone:     +46 - 76 -1355436


Address:  Bjärdakken 152, 92494 Sorsele